
To keep the excitement going, we offer our posters and presentations for your review!


Check out these amazing posters from our dedicated scientific team members!


A 2-Laser 13-Color cFluor® B Cell Monitoring Panel For Analyzing Human B Cell Subsets

A High Parameter Flow Cytometric Assay to Accurately Enumerate Leukocyte Subsets in Peripheral Blood

A High Parameter Flow Cytometric Assay to Identify Human Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells

Preliminary Detection of Microplastic and Nanoplastic Particles Using the Cytek® Amnis® CellStream® Flow Cytometer

A Single-Tube, 20-Color Panel Effectively Detects Aberrant Cells In Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Analysis of STAT Protein Phosphorylation in T Cells, NK Cells, and B Cells Using High Sensitivity Flow Cytometry

Comparing Transfer Learning Approaches for Red Blood Cell Analysis

Classification of Imaging Flow Cytometry Micronucleus Data Using the Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest Algorithms


Enjoy these informative presentations by our talented scientific team!

Pre-Optimized Reagents Kits: Insights Into The Development Of Robust Multicolor Assays

Imaging Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Powered by Artificial Intelligence

Expanding Capabilities For Small Particle Analysis Using Flow And Imaging Flow Cytometry  

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